The Collector’s Fantasy

Discover a selection of models that will be on sale this week from tomorrow Monday FEBRUARY 10, 2025 until Thursday FEBRUARY 13 on our site



Nicky Toys - Mercedes 220se taxi 051 Dinky Toys GB - MG Midget sports 129 - Minialuxe - Renault 16 Shell - Norev - coffret ambulance cycliste 211

en vente cette semaine: Nicky Toys – Mercedes 220se taxi 051 Dinky Toys GB – MG Midget sports 129 – Minialuxe – Renault 16 Shell – Norev – coffret ambulance cycliste 211

i remember

…having explained to a television journalist during a report on collectors that there were as many ways of collecting miniatures as there were collectors.

Each collection has its own identity and logic, which are often only fully perceived by the person who created it.
Besides, is there a need for logic in collecting?
Each enthusiast conducts his or her quest based on his or her past, knowledge, financial means, and tastes. The collection evolves over time, as events unfold.
Thus, I realize that as I get older, I am much more sensitive to the toys of my childhood than I was thirty or forty years ago. I remember that my mother bought my childhood friend, Philippe Grand, a military Land Rover from Norev for his birthday, identical to the one we have this week.
Norev - Land Rover pick up Lance rockets avec remorque 122

modèle en vente cette semaine : Norev – Land Rover pick up Lance rockets avec remorque 122

I was happy to offer him this toy and I remember very well the beautiful Wednesday spent playing at his house with his miniatures.
We all have little memories, often of no interest to others, that shape our collections. Another memory recently took me back to my childhood.
I sold hundreds of Corgi Toys equipped with Whizzwheels, without it having any particular effect on me.
It is true that these wheels are not aesthetic, especially if we compare them to those that preceded them. However, recently, I have had a different view. And what triggered it were the illustrations on the back of the boxes. As a child, I loved them.
Collection personelle AutoJaune Corgi Toys Whizzwheels

Personal collection – AutoJaune Corgi Toys Whizzwheels

The emergence of these memories led me to perceive them differently. I also understood their interest by placing them in their historical context. As a result of recent acquisitions, I decided to start a new branch in my collection, consisting of Corgi Toys Whizzwheels, distributed in a yellow and blue display box and illustrated on the back.
I noticed that the set presented a beautiful unity, and a certain allure that evokes a very specific period in the history of miniatures. And not the least.
Collection personelle AutoJaune Corgi Toys Whizzwheels 2

personal collection AutoJaune Corgi Toys Whizzwheels 2

We can therefore be interested in the lead-injected models of the thirties and also be sensitive to those of the 70s equipped with fast wheels.
This is not incompatible. This week we have some models from this period.
Enjoy the beautiful box of the Mercedes Unimog and the setting shown on the back. The production of the truck is also superb.

modèle en vente cette semaine : Corgi Toys – Mercedes Unimog 406 bâch 406

… The Marina and the Marcos are not extraordinary reproductions, they are just in the spirit of the end of the sixties. The cars were not masterpieces either. Admit that the colors used and the boxes are a real plus. They perfectly synthesize, like the cover of the catalog also offered for sale, this era that I knew well and whose interest I had not immediately perceived. It is the passing of time that has its effect.

Corgi Toys - Morris Marina 1,8 306

modèle en vente cette semaine : Corgi Toys – Morris Marina 1,8 306

Corgi Toys - Marcos Mantis 312

modèle en vente cette semaine : Corgi Toys – Marcos Mantis 312

new challenges

A collection is like a star. It can die at any moment. Like a garden, you have to know how to maintain it.
A collection must be alive. You have to know how to develop new branches while preserving and improving what already exists.
I was surprised to feel an interest in Mebetoys, a company that I did not collect. They appear in the Solido catalogs.
Mebetoys Collection Personelle AutoJaune

Mebetoys personal collection AutoJaune

This is surely the unconscious starting point of my new quest. This week we have a very nice selection of Mebetoys.
This company has a singularity. Having mixed a few hundred of them in recent months, I noticed that the Milanese company used a well-defined set of colors, which it applied to all its models.

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mebetoys – Lancia Fulvia coupé A11

This week we have four miniatures in a light bronze metallic color. It is aesthetic and original. I set myself the goal of collecting a single color for each model in the range delivered in the first white boxes. In the display case the effect is guaranteed.

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mebetoys – Mercedes 250 coupé A19

For the models in a box illustrated with a color photo, I opted for another criterion. Each box is illustrated with a photo of the model in one of the colors that was produced. Without trying to decline all the colors, I decided to look for “the” model in the color that decorates the box. It’s original and it adds a little spice.

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mebetoys – Fiat 500 nuova A36

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mebetoys – Chevrolet Corvette Rondine Pininfarina A22

I have made the list and I am completing it little by little. It is your turn to find your “logic” in the Mebetoys collection. Besides, we also have two “export” boxes and a “rally” version that can also constitute a common thread.

Mebetoys - Lotus Europa A39

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mebetoys – Lotus Europa A39

Mebetoys - Chevrolet Corvette Rondine Pinfarina A22

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mebetoys – Chevrolet Corvette Rondine Pinfarina A22

Mebetoys - Opel Kadett rallye A34

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mebetoys – Opel Kadett rallye A34

“apprentice collector” memories

Interest in the C-I-J range models, and especially in utility vehicles, began in the mid-seventies. Until then, few people paid attention to them. This movement should be seen as the beginning of an awareness on the part of collectors of the interest in utility vehicles.

C.I.J. - Saviem LRS benne charbonnière A-80

modèle en vente cette semaine : C.I.J. – Saviem LRS benne charbonnière A-80

To be convinced, just look at the few photos of utility vehicles in the pages of the magazine Modelisme from the sixties or in the famous “world catalog of miniatures” by Jacques Greilsamer and Bertrand Azéma from 1967.
Until the beginning of the seventies, it was the world of automobiles and its history that interested enthusiasts. It was therefore a small revolution in the collection that was going to take place, this passage corresponding just to the moment when we arrived in this universe.
Many enthusiasts quickly realized that the utility models coming from the Briare firm had nothing to envy those from Bobigny. Like those of JRD, moreover. These two brands offered a wide range of trucks and vans decorated with French advertising.
Their many variations offered great collection prospects.
C.I.J. - Saviem JM240 benne charbonnière 1 barre A-80

modèle en vente cette semaine :C.I.J. – Saviem JM240 benne charbonnière 1 barre A-80

As proof, this week, we have three different Saviem cabins retracing part of the history of this popular French firm. The coal bin that equips them suits them perfectly. The rounded cabin contrasts with the right angles of the bin. Seeing these three beautiful models and their bright colors, attached to my memories of “apprentice collector”, I measure the time that has passed. The pleasure of seeing them again has remained intact.

modèle en vente cette semaine : C.I.J. – Saviem JL20 benne charbonnière A-80

My favorite three original products

My favorite for three original products, intended for collectors who appreciate singularity.
The common point of the reproduced cars is their low aerodynamic coefficient, or perhaps, to be more precise, the desire of their creators to stand out from the classic cars designed just after the Second World War.
It’s successful.
Children have always been attracted by the futuristic side of cars. They allow us to project ourselves into the future.
The Tatra and its tail as well as the material in which it is made, Bakelite, deserve your attention. It is a Czech product from Iqra.
Igra - Tatra Tatraplan

en vente cette semaine: Igra – Tatra Tatraplan

We can compare it to the second product, the limousine from Renwall, a miniature straight out of the imagination of the Long Island design office, Renwall headquarters. With its wrapped shapes, the narrowness of its interior, it could belong to a comic strip from the 50s. The quality of the plastic used and the color are the strong points of this miniature.

Renwal - Auto limousine

modèle en vente cette semaine : Renwal – Auto limousine

Finally, the last miniature synthesizes all the finesse and purity of Italian bodies. It is a Farina coupe from Mercury reduced to 1/75. It is a splendid and timeless miniature

Mercury - Auto Farina

modèle en vente cette semaine : Mercury – Auto Farina

Vincent Espinasse

also on sale this week